Please help support our free outdoor film series and community programs. Your tax-deductible* donations help us license the films we show, promote them to the community, and purchase new equipment so that we can improve the quality of our screenings.

Become a CSFS Member or renew your Membership for the current year!

Membership at any level gets you one free T-shirt (available for pickup at any of our screenings) and free popcorn at all of our screenings for the year! Please give at the level that you can afford.

Canvas bags and additional T-Shirts are available for purchase separately at our tent on movie nights. Thank you for your support in making these community events happen!

Donate online below using your credit card or you can mail your donation check to:
Cold Spring Film Society, 192 Main Street, Cold Spring NY, 10516

*We are a registered 501 (c)3 non-profit corporation and so your donation should typically be tax-deductible. However, please consult your own tax pro for confirmation of your individual situation.


(Thank you for your donation!)